The Philippines is a rich country not only in history but also in natural as well as human resources. And despite various and conflicting religious practices still it is a country where people believe in God and His divine mercy. Proof to His blessings is the avalanche of news where excellence in the field of music, sports, the arts and other professions bring not only dollar remittances but also accolades by a world still tantalized by that bloodless People Power revolution more than two decades ago.
While blessings come in many forms the key to success and to sustain this is strong faith and humility in the presence of an Almighty God the Father.
Mr. Hans T. Sy sharing the vision with us
People with vision , especially those who believe that success will come in His own perfect time, inspire. To move forward is to let go of the many unwanted burden in life and to be guided by His light. I remember how King Solomon was made so rich not only with material wealth but also with Wisdom. Likewise King Nebucchadnezzar's story offers a lot of lessons too especially on faith and humility.
With the mass transit connecting various areas in the city it is really good now that we can escape the traffic, reach the malls to relax and enjoy the cool air inside or watch the coming sunset at the Sky Garden while we reflect on all things that would make our visions and dreams come true ... in His own perfect time.
On hindsight ... who could have ever imagined that, however small it is, I will one day be part of this positive change happening in the country when I was asked to design the 6 sculptures, all interactive pieces of public art, for SM Sky Garden . And through the years as an artist I have learned that social realism as a subject in art will only remain hanging on walls neglected and gathering dust if the message does not come out of the canvas to face reality and bring the right and positive solutions. What the country needs now are artists who have the mindset to move on and who cease to dwell on the rottenness in society but are equipped with vision guided by faith in the Almighty God the Father to help and contribute in giving solutions to society's many problems by starting from within their own selves. Art as a blessing that could offer therapeutic remedy to rejuvenate and invigorate a weary mind could also help propel into surprising heights suffering communities. As an example the lessons derived from the Quebec murals must be welcomed as an inspiration on how public art becomes one of the many tools towards positive change.
I am a dreamer too and with my art and that of my siblings and my countrymen I hope that one day the whole world will come in droves to my country, the Philippines, and see more and more works of private or public art as a means to generate funds for the country through tourism and the art market.

My sister-in-law Mirabel Reyes, Mark Nelson, the host, Rovilson Fernandez and me.
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Warm Regards
Project Grant Team
Thank you very much. I hope there'll be more public art as a way to contribute in the upliftment of society.
Joel F
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